Tuesday, October 28, 2008


American Urban Poverty Prevention
Each of us will render an account for himself to God. Therefore let us not be judging one another any longer, but rather make this Your decision. not to put before a brother a stubbing block or a cause for tripping.
In this time of world economy crisis. It seem that the world powers are leaven stubbing block in its people way. People are tripping and falling with the cold pavement as there only landing place. A.U.P.P. is not passing judgment but asking the community to help them self before the streets clams the lives of even more day to day people.
A.U.P.P. first gold is to raise 25,000.00 dollars to help the people of the urban community before thy are push to doing crimes to stay alive. A.U.P.P. is asking experts on the new foreclosure laws to come out and speak to the urban community before thy become homeless. The distribution of the raise funs will be in the hands of a urban comity that understands the peoples needs and the best way to help them.
Some Ways A.U.P.P. Planes Raise The 25,000.00 dollars
A.U.P.P. is calling on community organization like churches. neighborhood civic groups, lodges. amateur athlete clubs, college groups. private company. and the people of the urban community to help with this fundraising campaign. A.U.P.P. will supply each organization or person with as many big value catalog, order forms and $10.00 gift cards as thy think thy would need. The helping organization or person should sale the gift cards at face value and the people can used the gift cards at www.erbined.com.
Helping organization or person will receive 25% of the sale of each gift card and 25% of profit that thy help raise, A.U.P.P. will receive 50% of each gift card and 50% straight profit and the sponsoring organization (Erdin Education ) will receive 25% of the sale of each gift card and 25% of profit. A.U.P.P. is open to other idea's on how to raise money and the presents brake down will remain the same. To help this fundraising campaign contact William Reed @ willreed30310@yahoo.com or call 404-553-3259. Fundraising campaign will begin on 11-8-08 and end on 12-27-08 all campaign revenues will be add up avery week and all helping organization or person will be informed of progress by e-mail.

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